-current and past-

Climate change and human health
As a member of the Climate Change and Global Health Research Group, we are exploring the potential impacts of climate change on marine food systems and the health status of fishing communities.

Genetic responses to environmental variations of California sea lions!
As a student and current collaborator of the Immune Ecology and
Conservation Physiology Lab (led by Dr. Karina Acevedo Whitehouse) in Mexico, we analyzed the transcriptomic of blood samples from California sea lions exposed to different environmental conditions. We also characterized the antigenic repertoire of California sea lion T lymphocytes in the Gulf of California and the Mexican Pacific.
*Publications coming soon!

Health status of baby seals during harsh environmental conditions!
As a member of the Immune Ecology and Conservation Physiology Lab (led by Dr. Karina Acevedo Whitehouse), we studied the impacts of oceanographic and climatic anomalies on the nutritional and immunological status of California sea lion pups in the Mexican Northern Pacific. We found that pups exposed to harsh environmental conditions had affected body condition, nutritional status, and immune competence. In addition, more atypical erythrocyte morphologies were found on pups exposed to climatic-oceanographic anomalies.

Poster presentation at SPH - Research Day!

Presentation at IMGS (Atlanta, USA)