Banuet-Martinez, M. et al.
Banuet-Martínez, M., Vriezen, R.; Espinosa-Romero, M. J.; Yamamoto, S.; Cunsolo, A.; Harper, S. (2024). Nutrition, immunity, and infectious diseases in the context of climate change and health syndemic: A scoping review for North America. Environmental Research Letters. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ad8cf0
Banuet-Martinez, M., Harper, S., CADS Science Documentary (CADS Photography); Hernández Velasco, A., Comunidad y Biodiversidad, A. C. (COBI); SCPP Buzos y Pescadores de la Baja California; SCPP Ensenada; FiNHCC Research Project (2024). [Cambio climático, sistemas de alimentación marina y salud: Una perspectiva local de comunidades pesqueras Mexicanas]. Climate change, marine food systems and health: A local perspective of Mexican fishing communities. Book containing photographs and quotes transcribed from interviews conducted with fishing community members.
Banuet-Martinez, M., Harper, S., CADS Science Documentary (CADS Photography); Hernández Velasco, A., Comunidad y Biodiversidad, A. C. (COBI); SCPP Buzos y Pescadores de la Baja California; SCPP Ensenada; FiNHCC Research Project (2024). [Cambio climático, sistemas de alimentación marina y salud: Una perspectiva local de comunidades pesqueras Mexicanas]. Climate change, marine food systems and health: A local perspective of Mexican fishing communities. Book containing photographs and quotes transcribed from interviews conducted with fishing community members.
Fabiani MA, Banuet-Martínez M, Gonzalez-Urquijo M, Cassagne GM. (2024). Where does Hispanic Latin America stand in biomedical and life sciences literature production compared with other countries? Public Health Pract (Oxf). 2024 Feb 7;7:100474.
Banuet-Martínez, M.*, Yang, J.*, Jafari, B.; Kaur, A.; Butt, Z.A.; Chen, H.H.; Yanushkevic, S.; Moyles, I.R.; Heffernan, J., Korosec, C.S. (2023). Monkeypox: a review of epidemiological modelling studies and how modelling has led to mechanistic insight. Epidemiol Infect. 151:e121.
Vriezen, R., Aylward, B., Banuet-Martínez, M., Bayne, H., & Harper, S.L. (2022). Annotated bibliography of key publications on public health and climate change. [Prepared for the Office of the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, PHAC].
Flores-Moran A.*; Banuet-Martinez M.*, Elorriaga-Verplancken F.R., García-Ortuño L.E., Sandoval-Sierra J., Acevedo-Whitehouse K.(2017). Atypical red blood cells are prevalent in California sea lion pups born during anomalous sea surface temperature events. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 90: 564-574.
Banuet-Martinez M., Espinosa-de Aquino, W.; Elorriaga-Verplancken, F.; Flores-Moran, A.; Garcia, O.P.; Camacho, M.; Acevedo-Whitehouse, K. (2017). Climatic anomaly affects the immune competence of California sea lions. PLoSONE. 12(6): e0179359